Good Times
Bike rides through the mud at 1:30 in the morning, two-stepping to a country band in an old high school gym in the middle of nowhere, eating cheap pizza in an old restaurant, watching 5 year olds play flag football, filling water balloons to impossible sizes, listening to an Old Testament lecture in the pitch black darkness, rubber band wars, running into friends on campus, praying together on the sidewalk in the middle of the night, mooching free food at Rosa's, shooting golf balls over the prayer garden bridge, good talks during a long car ride, playing "dad" to a freshman, Half-pound bean burrito especials, half-awake morning prayer group members, the excitement of a seeing a new vision, singing "pink elephants" to someone I don't even know, and getting Boomer Sooner stuck in peoples' heads.... these are just a fraction of the good times God has let me have lately.